Thursday, April 10, 2014


I decided I didn't much care for the title of my business (yet again). I've changed my business name/brand many times over the years. With an ever-changing mind; such as my own, it seemed rather unlikely I'd find a business name/brand I could use for years to come. Which brought me back to a business name I'd long since forgotten. I came across it in one of my many notebooks from years past. Seems that due to environmental changes in my life, I thought the name was no good. How wrong I was. You see, Essence Enchanted has a deeper meaning to me. I am drawn to all things creative, crafty, and artsy. When I'm able to delve deeper into my artsy side, I feel free. A great wonderment for life washes over me. Therefore, I suppose I am enchanted by my own essence of creativity. Hence, Essence Enchanted. Seems fitting.

Now, I remember when I used this name/brand.. I had only sold at shows, fairs, & festivals. I had no online presence back then. Since becoming a mother, I haven't frequented many shows. So all I have is a online presence. I felt it was time to get back to my roots, and build my business around something that has meaning for me. It will be a daunting process, but a process I'm willing to tackle. In the coming weeks, things will be revamped. I am currently designing a new logo; among other things. So, without further ado: My business/blog will again be called "Essence Enchanted". And I couldn't be more pleased.

Until next time.

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