Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Something Fishy This Way Comes...

Facebook is strange. I joined as a business page, and couldn't make a personal account. Therefore I couldn't browse facebook like anyone else can. I couldn't like pages, I couldn't even find users pages. So very very odd. I'm so confused facebook. Not to mention, I recently read an article regarding facebook business pages that states; facebook will not distribute content to fans/followers over time if you don't pay to promote. So, no more Facebook for Irie Worldwide. Until next time, Stay Crafty.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Crafting Station Adventures

Recently, I've been trying to find the time to organize all of my craft supplies (after being buried in boxes during a move, and well after). It's a time consuming process (due to my little monkey running around; constantly getting into things... oh the joy of children, haha), but I'm trying to stay positive amidst the chaos. It's been quite the adventure. In between doing activities and projects with the monkey to keep him occupied and happy, I've been little by little doing small things to work on my space. Unfortunately, my craft room is long gone, so I'm trying to work with the little space I have. Bring on the recyclables!! ^_^ I decided to upcycle a bunch of jars, cans, and boxes to organize my things better. I will be sure to share pictures (of the finished work station) at some point in the near future. But for now, here are a couple of the jars.

There's so much more to come for this little blog. I intend to incorporate tutorials for some of my projects, and share my crafting passion with you. Even if I don't get to craft as often as I'd like to these days. Until next time, stay crafty.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Crafting with kids..

can be a fun way to pass the time, as long as they don't get too rowdy. That's what I've been up to lately with my little one. I made him some lovely colored homemade clay just recently (in all the colors of the rainbow), and he mashed it all together to make some pretty cool tie dye clay. I'm sure that soon it will turn to a mucky brown once the colors blend completely. But no bother, we'll just make more.  ^_^

I've been so busy planning activities and doing crafts with the munchkin; that I haven't had much time for myself to work on anything. Hence the lack of updates. I will sure try to post more in the coming weeks. Hope to see you again soon, thanks for visiting.

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