Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Art comes in many forms... Mandalas

Recently, I've delved back into drawing. Although I enjoy many other art forms, and mediums. Drawing is where my heart has been lately. After years of not being able to work on my art, it feels wonderful to be doing it again. I thought I'd share some of my recent works with the world. Most of what I've worked on in the last few months revolves around Mandalas. There's just something about them I'm drawn to. So here's a look into some mandalas I've created in the last few weeks. I apologize if the image quality is lacking, I had to use my camera phone. Currently in the process of saving for an all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. Click on any image for a larger size.

To start with, here's a simple mandala pen sketch. Not too many details here.

Here is Seven Mandalas. Seven is a holy/sacred number, and also one of my favorite numbers. This is my homage to the number 7 and my love of mandalas. For a close-up of each mandala, visit the post Seven Mandalas.

Here we have a Mandala drawn over a watercolor wash.

The New Essence Enchanted Logo Mandala.

Three More Mandalas (each individually shown below)

A colored Mandala. Wish I'd taken a photo before I colored it. Some of the Gel pens pooled a bit and it didn't quite turn out the way I'd hoped. Guess I'll have to recreate this one, just for the raw image (no color).

The rough pen sketch of the Essence Enchanted Logo. Before details were added, and I tweaked the design a bit.

I shall call this one Horizon Mandala, since the color of the pen I used was Horizon Blue.

Another Mandala over a watercolor wash. Blues & Greens, with a splash of purple. May add more to this page at a later date. I originally intended to draw the mandala in white, but my gel pen wasn't behaving; so I had to go over it in black. I think it turned out just fine.

That's all I'm sharing for now. There will of course be more in the near future. I'm already working on more as I type this blog entry.

Until next time, embrace your creativity.

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